Prestwick Community Council is currently one of 28 Community Councils in South Ayrshire, all of which are composed of elected volunteers from the community.

The general purpose of a Community Council is to ascertain, co-ordinate and express the wider views of the entire community within its boundaries. Community Councils will seek to represent and include all sections of their communities, regardless of age, gender, ability, ethnic origin, political or religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. They can complement the role of the local authority but are not part of local government.

Community Councils are also able to involve themselves in a wide range of other activities including fundraising, organising community events, undertaking environmental and educational projects and much more.

Like most Community Councils, PCC have appointed Office-bearers;

Chairperson – Michael S. Evans

Vice Chairperson –  Norrie Smith

Secretary – Maggie Milligan

Treasurer – June Whittaker

In addition, we have members who serve as the main points of contact for Planning and Licensing.

Community Councils have a formal role in the planning system. As a result of the Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994 they have a statutory right since 1996 to be formally consulted on all planning applications.

In addition, as a result of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 2006 community councils have been given a particular role to play in relation to formal consultation on any major planning proposals for their area. They are also consulted when development plans are being prepared.

PCC takes a proactive role in planning matters to ensure that the community is consulted on issues that could have an impact on the area and that their views are communicated to the planning authority. This is achieved by monitoring and reviewing the weekly list of planning applications produced by the planning authority; these are the subject of a report to each community council meeting; consulting with relevant planning officers; responding rapidly to the planning authority expressing the views of the community on issues raised.

The main point of contact in PCC for planning matters is Mr Michael S. Evans,

Under the terms of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976 Community Councils can exercise their power to object to the granting, renewal or transfer of liquor licences.

The main point of contact in PCC for licensing matters is Trish Young on