Beach Management Programme

The Beach Management Programme was devised as a collaboration with South Ayrshire Council (SAC) to include members of various groups including members of both Prestwick North Community Council (PNCC) & Prestwick South Community Council (PSCC) to discuss potential solutions to a complex problem.

We would like to thank all the members of the Beach Committee for giving their own time to volunteer on this project over the years.

In particular, we would like to acknowledge the perseverance of Prestwick resident, Mr George Gemmell who has worked hard to keep the interests of our beach at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

PSCC members Cllr John Park and Vice Chair Norrie Smith, alongside PNCC members Cllrs Theresa Sander and the late Laura Twaddel, attended many meetings with South Ayrshire Council to ensure the positive outcome.

Thank you to all members of SAC who are taking part in the Beach project: Mike Newall and all Prestwick Councillors for their continuous support – Cllrs Ian Cochrane, Hugh Hunter, Margaret Toner and Helen Moonie.

Photo courtesy of SAC website.